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Why do people assume

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starone | 19:39 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
that everyone has a mobile phone? I have just been completing a questionnaire (which I was quite happy to do) but they would not let me go on to the next question until I told them what sort of mobile phone I had (I haven't got one) In the end, I ticked "other" and then the next question was did I use it to buy on-line goods, so I ticked "no". I have noticed this also with computers. I am sure not everyone has a computer but according to adverts etc. everyone can contact everyone else by www addresses.


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Strange how peoples attitudes change though, when they first came on the market, a particular guy, who was a right poser had one.At that time if you remember even the smallest was half the size of a building brick and this guy would use it in the pub and put it on the table with that smug" I've a mobile phone" look and we all used to say look at that poser who needs a mobile phone any way,now virtually everybody has got one
Most of the time people are just gossiping or talking just for the sake of talking on their mobiles. Haven't you heard them in the train or in the bus? Even if you don't want to listen to their conversations you still hear them blabbing away about nothing.
Daily-Editor but we are talking to each other on a similar medium.
I think that phones and computers have made the world more accessible especially for the elderly and the disabled but as you said has in many cases replaced normal face to face communication so I see your point.
Sorry babetti,but the last time I looked the UK was a democracy,and as such I can chose what to have, and what not to have.
I chose not to have a mobile phone.I don't have an MP3 player,blackberry or ipod either.(Because I don't need them)
No doubt this makes me a technophobe(who has the internet by the way)but that doesn't phase me.If I eventually need a mobile I will get one,but for the moment I am happy without one.

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