Not sure, there is always a way round these things if you know how. But, be careful not to get caught as your employers stance on personal e-mails during working hours is quite clear...
He has obviously found out you are accessing your emails while at work and is trying to stop you doing this, when you should be working. Accept this and get on with your work!
I'm an IT manager for a company and this is the sort of thing I put in place, and although there are ways round it your IT department will be able to spot you are doing things you shouldn't.
Just accept the rules and stick to them unless you don't care about your job.
It depends on your employers' internet policies. We are not allowed to access any external sites for purely personal use, so that includes personal emails, social networking sites, eBay, all sorts. Personally, I don't have enough time at work to do personal things - and why should your employer be paying you to answer your personal emails? I think it's an extraordinary idea to even consider doing it - do you do your work at home then, to make up the time?
It seems the employers Internet policy is pretty clear seeing as they have restricted access to personal emails.
I suggest buzzy steps back from their desk and looks at the computer, the electricity and the Internet connection they are using and considers who those resources belong to.
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The restriction is organisation wide and has nothing to do with me not doing my job. Personally I actually agree with these restrictions - we are at work to do just that "work".
The only reason I am asking is because I have a few personal things that need resolving,I do not want to use my work email address and due to work and other committments checking personal emails at home is not always possible.
The reality is there are times when our personal lives impact on our job - just like our jobs impact of our personal lives.