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Birthdays today

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boxtops | 01:06 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Now, does my mind deceive me, or should we be wishing Happy Birthdays to Chuck and Vibes today (now it's past midnight!)?


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How do you know? Are they on your calendar?
Serious Q, btw :-)
Apparently, Jane Austen is 235 today ...
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Possibly..... I have this thing about trying to pick up dates if people mention them idly in threads from time to time!
Happy birthday to Chuck xxxxxx

Happy creation day to vibes xxxxx
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so it is - also Bette Midler (to name but one!)
Is there a birthday party for her Naz?
She won't want her cake ... at least I'm hoping ...
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She's plastered all over the top of Google at the moment....
Cool, you can have the marzipan!
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noooo gimme, I love marzipan!
You two can share it amongst you! Yuk and triple yuk!!!
Well anyway, happy birthday to the birthday boys.

I'm flouncing off now cos I am v.v. tired. Goodnight xxx
Happy birthday Chuck and Vibes! Hope your day is enjoyable, and as lovely as you both are. xx
Question Author
Since vibes and chuck are both about now - Happy Birthdays again, guys!
You think they'll see this thread Boxy? ;-)

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Birthdays today

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