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FAO bobbisox ?

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anneasquith | 01:13 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
sometimes a dignified exit is the best action, ?


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o' no
Filth ... lol x
exit Anne?, I am going nowhere...

no offence to you as I like you
Reported for innuendo ... pmsl xxx
ha-ha Naz...
Question Author
ha ha naz. bobbi i was only giving you some friendly advice, not crticising you.
When you flounce do you toss your head so that your hair bounces all over the place and slam your eyelids down and back up and look haughtily down your nose. I reckon you have to do all these to make your point. But don't forget what I said, Flounce by all means but don't leave.
I know that Anne, I will continue in here and chat , if people don't want to join in a thread of mine, simples,,,don't
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I'm tellin', he said arse^
I'm tellin' did she ^ ;op
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Vibes, is that your current score?

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FAO bobbisox ?

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