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stokemaveric | 22:20 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
has everyone frozen to death???


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sorry its over 2 hours and 9 minutes i thought it was on 20.49 and its 21.21 lol
if someone says that their computer screen keeps freezing does that mean they have no heating on :)
i hadn't noticed i was watching the tele, i can post a garth song if u like
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lol dr...ive just been out to take the dog for a walk and its that cold he cocked his leg against the lampost and he got stuck there for 15 minutes....
No postings where?
I was browsing the argos catalogue from 1976
Had got carried away watching the Royal Variety. Found myself singing along with the Chelsea Pensioners. God I feel old! Better have a vodka now.
well at least the wee dog got posted then ;o)
cazzz you may find some items are now out of stock
at those prices I am not surprised dr f!!
Opened a box of Thorntons Chocs and said to my daughter these arn`t all that nice. Her reply, " Mother your not used to luxury items," that about sums up my life.
Thow back a ''Thorntons are chavvy chocs'' retort, that'll get her.
I'm debating whether to open the box of Victoria biscuits that I bought to take to my work colleagues when I see them tomorrow night at our works do. I can't go empty handed and I haven't seen them for 7 months!
LOL peapod, that's a good 'un!
I couldn't think of anything to ask so I opened one of my Christmas presents, Thorntons chunky chocolate ginger and ate the lot.

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