Would someone kindly advise me if I have the following correct:-
19A. Group given good metallic sound. C?A?G. I've heard of The CLASH but is/was there a group called CLANG?
18D. Criminal puritan almost caught in sect. C?L?R?T. CULPRIT? I get the sect-cult connection, but PRI?
29D. Bad weather causing joined-up pain. ?E?P?S?. TEMPEST? I can see Tempest & bad weather but where does the joined-up pain come in? It could be Met Pest I suppose
If there was a group called 'Clang' they can't have been very successful as Wikipedia has never heard of them and Youtube has no videos of them. However the answer could still be 'clang' anyway. (Group = clan?)
I know this isn't how the answer is arrived at, but ...
Clang are a rock band consisting primarily of of Paul Reller, Corey Jane Holt, and Andrew Irvine. The internet is bigger than Wikipedia and YouTube, lol