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LadyEyre | 18:47 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
why do grown men wear wigs, what's the problem?


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vanity and they talk about women being vain. my dad is bald on top but he combs his hair over his bald patch and i think it looks stupid. about a year ago, my dad asked my sister to trim his hair and with coaxing from my mum trimmed the long bit so he was unable to comb it over and it looked a lot better
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my late huband, sir thomas had no problem with his rapidly receding hair line, I refect it is usually refererred to as male pattern baldness, his usual response was 'if they can't take me as god made me then they can take to their heels into oblivion, I will have no truck with these sad posers'. Prudentia xxx
Why do women wear make-up?
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Prudentia - so you are nobility. Well, well, well

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