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What will you remember 2010 for?

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sp1814 | 17:11 Mon 20th Dec 2010 | News
28 Answers
What was the biggest news story of the year? The one that you'll remember 2010 for?

The visit of the Pope?
Willliam and Kates's engagement announcement?
Haiti earthquake?
The student riots?
The World Cup
The launch of the Kenect?
Lady Gaga's 'meat dress'?

What was the story that you'll remember the year for?

Me - it has to be the rescue of the Chilean miners.


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No one mentioned the the banking disaster which will affect all our lives for years to come.
Gromit mentioned the coalition which will have a major effect on how that will affect the nations affairs.
Chilean miners, the ash cloud, the coalition government, Haiti earthquake. There have been some big news events this year I reckon
The ongoing news coverage of the tragedy of "Baby P", his little innocent face with those gorgeous blue eyes innocently staring at you.

May those who brought his short life to an end rot in hell forevermore, but not before being beaten to death in prison!
obviously ,for a great outcome and good news for a change the miners.
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modeller - I think that would count as 2008/9 rather than this year (although it's effects will be felt for a few years yet).
Death of my mother.. loss of my job.. lack of finance.. no summer... roll on next year!
-- answer removed --
/// First Coalition Government in living memory.///

Not so Gromit, there was one lead by Winston Churchill during WW2.

May not be in your living memory, but it certainly was in mine.

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What will you remember 2010 for?

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