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ive got 2 coins with the date on them, 2011 how come?

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yobanfa | 17:57 Wed 22nd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
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Oh, isnt it the 22nd of December, 2011 today?
Are they 50p pieces by any chance?
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keep them! they may be worth some money in the years to come.
They have been gradually issued since October, will soon be everywhere.
They are worth 50p. They are made for the Olympics and have been released since October.
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thank you
"how come?"

Someone (a shop possibly) gave them to you as change for something?
BOO - because.........They are made for the Olympics and have been released since October.
I still have my "date-less" 20p.
Any ideas what they were fetching, I heard upwards of £200 on ebay???
CAs, lol- have a day off will you?

Yobanfa asked how come he or she had them, I was explaining how they possibly got into his or her hands.
BOO - sorry being intelligent is a full time occupation. Sorry, but if they've been in circulation, how do you think he got them. banks don't give out change, ergo he must have got it as change.
for gawds sake CAS, it was a joke!

Admitedly a crap one, but a joke nonetheless!
Apologies BOO, my 'irony' filter is a bit dodgy.
You banks do not give out coins?
Is DT right and I've lost a year?

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ive got 2 coins with the date on them, 2011 how come?

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