People loved my outfit, although my crown wasn't very good. I had to make it, I spent ages cutting it out so the points were all 2cm apart but then the glitter didn't go on properly {:(
And that guy that I can't disagree with about anything was there. And we both found out that we both think that in a democratic society such as ours, there isn't much point in having a monarchy except for bringing in tourists . . . . AND he got me some chockies! but i didn't get him anything, but he lives about 20 miles away so i can't just pop round to give him one. But he did say that us and the host should go to the cinema or go shopping sometime, to which i got his number . . . . . :)
Pardon!? Plus the kinds of parties I go to now don't give you a bag at the end. But we did get cake at this one because it was someone's birthday there, a couple of days ago.