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....did anyone else get....

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Purple_Popple | 20:28 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Blisters on their hands from playing 'Crossfire' game as a kid ??? Just been watching Jonathan Ross' 100 Greatest toys....also loved 'Battling Tops' ! The modern version are Beyblades now.....


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No but I did get blisters on my thumbs playing the Sega Megadrive many a year ago. Oh and the original Gameboy.
Still get calluses now using the pS3 / PSP!

My son as into beyblades a few years ago - took the skin off my fingers lol
They didn't have all those things when I was a child, I got blisters from my rounders bat!
Lol Box, I was in my 20's when I played on my megadrive and gameboy. They were the in thing in the early '90s and I had to have them.
In my 20s we had Pacman....
boxtops I ghot bumps on the head from mine, never could play the game
oh yes, battling tops! gosh that brings back memories :o)

maybe not blisters, but i did get bruises from those damn clacker ball things, remember them?!
crossfire, lol, I remember it well.
I ended up taking the ball bearings to school and used them as marbles...
I remember clackers, they blooming well hurt when they came back and cracked your wrists!
youre telling me boxy!! lol ....

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