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ummmm | 18:56 Mon 27th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers

I'm not really one for complaining but I'm tempted to send a *** email to weatherspoons (sp)

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Ruddy well right I complain .. especially if being charged good money.
I am sure a lot of places rely on the fact that if they are polite, you will not complain about anything else.
I complained to local co-op a while back. They have the only cashpoint in a 10 mile radius and it is always out of order. I went to the shop to get cash back instead only to discover I needed to spend a minimum of a fiver. As I was in a rush and needed the cash I had to spend a fiver on something I didn't need. I e-mailed the head office telling them I thought it was a bit crap and also mentioning the uselessness of their staff and got a reply a couple of hours later from the area manager saying he had immediately stopped the minimum spend thing and offering to meet me at the store the next day to discuss my other complaints. I didn't bother but I wish I had now. It's painful going to that place.
By being so polite ummmm, you are inadvertantly encouraging the "culprit(s)" to continue with the poor service. That's not a criticism of you - many people are in the same boat.

My advice would be that if you were faced with a similar experience in the future, do not finish the meal, but inform the staff of your feelings about it, leave them your name+address, tell them to take you to civil court if they dare, and refuse to pay the full price. They would probably threaten to get the Police, but if so, call their bluff, and although I can't guarantee it, I have experience of such matters and have never known anyone charged with any offence, i.e. "making off without payment".

Without making a fuss you will only end up out of pocket for a thoroughly distressing and disappointing experience which was not of your doing. Be brave!
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My OH doesn't mind complaining. I think this time he just gave up because the girl he was complaining to was a bit dim.

She couldn't understand why I'd be annoyed touching mould just before I was due to eat. And why it might put me off my food.
Your OH should have gone over her head,not difficult if she was that dim! LOL
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There's always next time :-)
Put it in writing, ummm, it can't do any harm, and if people don't complain, the managers higher up the chain never get to find out.
boxtops has a very valid point ummmm.
I would send a letter of complaint to the manager asking for a refund (not a voucher for another meal there) and send a copy to Head Office. Also put a review on beerintheevening website. It will make you feel better !
I think I would just state the circumstances, state how much you paid, and ask what they intend to do about it. Leave the decision about reimbursement to them, but you can tell them that you have discussed with your friends and they are disgusted - particularly about the mould, there are Health & Safety implications here (sometimes H&S can be on your side!).
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There was a lot of mould as well. Must have been there for a while.
Sorry, folks, but those of you who advise writing/contacting a premises AFTER the event are missing the point. It has to be done at the time, on the spot, otherwise the chances of getting any form of satisfaction is virtually nil - and, after all, that's what any reasonable person would expect, isn't it?

You must do it at the time for it to have the maximum impact, i.e. that you are genuinely dissatisfied, the fact that you are indeed serious about complaining, and, last but not least, the chances that there are other people present, for if so, the reputation of the business is put in even more jeopardy in front of other witnesses.

Do not delay is my advice, or else you may as well not bother, particularly where restaurants/cafes etc are concerned.
I'm really bad at complaining (for myself, not via work for other people), hate confrontation and, especially in cafes and restaurants I tend to get ex waitress/kitchen worker guilt syndrome.
ummmm ... what you waiting for?! xx

Milly ... The Coop has a switch inside that switches off cashpoint power. When they see you drive in .. on it goes.
Complain to Head Office .. not the store manager .. They like an easy life in Coops. Tell them 'waste of time speaking to store manager, as never gets resolved'. Then maybe they will get someone in there who cares enough to chase up the Bank who is responsible for the machine.
I complained and now I own the pub to my chagrin.

Remember Victor Karim - he liked the razor so he bought out Remington.
Definitely complain, as should everyone who does not get good service. We are too nice, polite and put up with anything - times should change!!!
I always complain when I get bad service Its my pet hate. I have complained so many times in my bank, to the manager, the till staff, everyone. they have one till open at the busiest time regularly. I am sure that they think, oh, theres that b..... woman again. But it HAS improved recently, I am sure that is not down to me. Still, complaining helps, We should do more of it!
ummmm, Not happy!..........complain!......simple!......i
nobody complains, how are they to know that standards are not up to the mark!.........

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