\i have put out food in the back garden for the birds ie fat balls and a bag of nuts bought from a garden centre, it is still there untouched after being there for a couple of weeks now, this has happened before when I have put food out for the birds.
Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong ?
We've a similar problem CherryBea24. The grass in our garden is beginning to look line one giant slice of bread now that the snow is melting but very few takers, even crows and gulls.
I know it's not really an answer but at least you know you're not alone. :)
Same here in Sussex cherrybea. We have lots of cats in the area and many more since last winter. One in particular is a real nuisance. Yesterday I saw a pair of collared doves at the seeds and a little wren but the cats soon appeared and the birds disappeared. Any bread I put out for the birds gets eaten by the blasted cats!! I'm sure if you gave a cat a bowl of bread it wouldn't eat it but give it to the birds and the cats are there immediately.
Well, it sounds like you should be getting birds. The only reason I can think for them not visiting is that they are staying close to an unfrozen source of water ... possibly.
Hi Cherry, you could try moving the feeders nearer to the conifers, as birds like to make a quick dash for cover, my feeders are sited in the trees, but with two Jack Russels, I don't have a cat problem (the cats have a dog problem though!!). This may help, as they will feel less exposed.
Don't take the feeders in now keep trying, birds need all the help they can get at this time of year
Am going to get some new food and place it near the conifers as I think the food was frozen solid with the bad weather !!! they have been attacking the nuts already where is the best place to put out seed ?
I've put some fat balls on a dead tree, and scattered fatty bird food in an open part of the garden. I'm told birds like to feed where they can easily see that no predators are hiding to pounce. It's taken a week but there were tits and starlings on the balls, and a blackbird on the ground, this morning. I think they like to suss out the location for safety first.
It's my guess that your clothes lines are too much in the open. Do as Chaffinch and boxtops have suggested.
Seed I would put on a suitably sited bird table. I have one which is less than two metres from the dining room window and it was a delight on Christmas day to see the family tucking into their roast lunch and all of us being able to see birds also having something to eat. ( Nothing special bird-wise...Thrush, Blackbirds, Tits and of course 'Scandinavian Vultures'...Starlings that is.)
Anyway, as you are interested in birds, I suggests you have a look at the following link:-
I was having the same problem with the feeders etc on the back garden, though every thing we put out front soon disappeared, the mystery was solved one day when Max who had not been allowed out on the back garden due to snow started whining and scratching at the patio door I let him out, he shot up the garden and three cats rapidly cleared the fences. I now let Max patrol his garden two-three times a day and normality has been restored to the bird table and feeders
Depends what you feed them. I had same problem and switched to sunflower hearts, more expensive than your average bird food, but at least we are getting a lot of birds now. They also love the fat blocks from this place, but wont touch fat balls from the pet shop.
I have a variety of birds coming here,i have three tables,two wild bird seed holders and half coconut with food in on the clothes line {near the privet hedge},i put fat balls in the privet for the small birds,and a cage of nuts on the line.The problem is anything i throw on the grass the seagulls get it, still they have to eat in this weather.