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Anyone else got no water?

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ayabrea38 | 20:10 Tue 28th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I live near Liverpool and have had no water all day!
I was thinking that now the weather was getting better life would get back to normal,but after a 10 minute call to United Utilities it seems there are a lot of broken piped in the area.
Still at least this is only day 1 and the shops still have bottled water,unlike in Northen Ireland.
Still at least it gives me an excuse to not do the dishes-every cloud does indeed have a silver lining! ;-)


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Some people here in NI have been without water for 11 days.
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I think that in this day and age,for a country like NI to have no water for that long says there is something very wrong with the Irish water board.
we have neighbours that have been without water for 8 days so far, we have been lucky only been without one day cause of bust pipes but managed to fix them ourselves
The water service used to be funded from the rates so the infrastructure was neglected. None of the politicians want to be seen to introduce a separate water charge, so we suffer.
Just stick to the Murphy's : )
But I need water to dilute the Powers.
Ooo ... that's worrying Sandy. What powers?
Bush and white - no need for water sandy!
Yep - i have no water here in NI.
Managed to get enough for coffee etc for the next day or so. feels as if we are living in another century - what with all the snow, leaks and no water. Its crap!
plenty here silky-water burst at my burner in back shed-been cascading round the place for 2 days now
mind you have had no heat for over a week now
Powers is an elixir distilled from barley.
Oh no poor beejay - can you not get someone to come and fix your leak for you?

I may not have mains water but at least i'm warm thank goodness!

Take care and keep warm.
My niece paid £170 for a plumber to fix a burst pipe. I think thats about twice the usual rate. Bare faced robbery.
OMG Sandy - she was (as we say) 'stroked'....
fortunately i have a good mate who is a plumber, so can rely on him if needed.
h executive house-they came out with a wee blow heater which you could have heard in belfast-
and my kitchen was so cold the fridge/freezer stopped-my aunt bessies roasties were f*cked
Not good beejay - i hope they get their finger out and get you sorted quick smart!
Bombard your local MP - i dont think we make them work hard enough to get our votes ...

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Anyone else got no water?

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