Ipad doesnt have USB er so what?
what do you need usb for? you do file transfer with wifi and blue tooth wires is all very yesterday. and you can plug ipods and ipads in to monitors and tv's too.
Its doing very well for a "gimmick" IMO
What is it a laptop can do that an ipad cant, I can list plenty but just wondered why noblidy who says this ever lists what these diffrences are.
IPAD2 out next year and?
PAD3 out the year after etc whats your point.
Its a media consumption device ideal for sat on the couch or on a train, it can do other things but this was teh brief and it does it better than anything else out there at present.
Im lucky in my job that i get to test most technology before its released and IPad is the only "gadget" i have bought out of my own money.