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When shall we take off our Christmas Hats?

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boxtops | 19:30 Thu 30th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I see that some people have already de-Christmassed their avatars - I thought I'd change mine back on 1st Jan, when the parties are finished. Am I too late?


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12th night?
nuts to that, Im off to hunk myself out
I've not got a hat, but I'm keeping my Christmas Angel up till after the New Year.
I'll probably do 1st or 2nd myself as I tend to think the christmas period ends after the new year has been welcomed in.
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Good, I'm not alone then - Twelfth Night is a great idea jno (if I remember!).
I'll leave mine on up to and including Jan 5th.
I changed mine the other day and I;ve changed to Pete Duel again as it is the anniversary of his death tomorrow
Keep all hats in weather like this. ;-)

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When shall we take off our Christmas Hats?

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