What can my brother do about his ex (but never married) partner who has the majority of the custody over their daughter, but the courts say that when he's in England, he can have her a couple of days a week, but when he went to pick her up, his ex refused to let him take her!
molly, we have said before that this is none of our business. He needs to go back to the court and tell them that he's being refused access. I'm not going ask why his ex refused to let him take the child.
His solicitor is useless and he spent £12k last year trying to get custody of her and in total she slept over on about 4 different occaisions and for the half of the year he was in England he saw her 1 or 2 days a week.
He never did anything wrong but because of him working abroad her mum looks after her the majority of the time, and to start with he was allowed her one day a week when he was in england, then he managed to get two days then in October they said two consecutive days (with her sleeping over inbetween). But there's been many occaisions when she hasn't let her go, but this is the first time since she's started sleeping over.
Molly, you've been through all this before. Sad over Christmas that he didn't get access IF it had been agreed with his ex, but don't keep going over it. We've asked before - does your bro know you publicise his personal life on here?
yes pinki. And according to my brother his ex hardly baths her, and when I was there and my brother came back with her she look dirty and smell a bit TBH.
molly - does that matter? if anyone really wanted to know, it's not beyond belief that someone could work it out, you have given out enough info about all your family and your hobbies and your parents' work that you could be identified. That's beside the point. This is not our business, nor yours.
if your brother is that concerned about his daughter being dirty and smelly he should call SS
how much notice did he gives his ex to visit?
Why does he work abroad if he is that worried about his child?
you don't know your brother didn't do anything wrong you have only his word on that
Keep your nose out of his business unless you have k to spend on a solicitor for him that he wont think is useless. If that were the case he was a fool to chuck more money after bad wasn't he?
Boxy it would if everything I said about those things was true.
pink-k, As long as I can remember he's worked away, usually 4 weeks away, 4 weeks here, he wants to earn enough money to support his family and be able to live comfortably.