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The Computer says No!

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McMouse | 17:34 Thu 06th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Went into local Computer store today and picked up an external hard drive in it's sealed box and took it to checkout. They scanned it and told me that as it was 'out of stock' they couldn't let me have it. Manager said he had no discretion to over-ride the situation. When I suggested they just give it to me as it was out of stock they looked at me like I was a half-wit.


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That's why I always use Argos.
mad isnt it. some staff really have no initiative.

my sister wanted some cushions she saw on a display in a shop. They said same they had none in stock and shelves were empty until new stock arrived in 3 weeks, She asked to buy the ones on display and was told "we cant sell them, they are to show customers what we sell"
Perhaps the Computer store had no memory of it
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I've also heard of people asking for a shop to order something in only to be told "the system says we've 5 in stock and we can't reorder until we're down to 2".
They probably thought your were a half-wit. :-)
If it's not in stock, is it then impossible to steal it?

Just saying.
If their computerised inventory system was anything like some I've worked on, they should have let the stock level go to -1 !

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The Computer says No!

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