Big tip, don't brag. Look what happened to Baggs the Brand on the Apprentice - if you sound too high flying you will talk yourself out of the job. Area manager for Fragrance presumably means that you will be selling? - that's what it usually means in the pharma industry, and perhaps with some reps under you. Your c.v. will show up any fibs (e.g. how long you've been in retail) and interviewers go through everything with a fine-tooth comb these days. How big's the "Area" that you will be covering? The biggest tip I can give you is to demonstrate how much you know about the company, and where you need to develop - not just what you have done elsewhere, they will want to know what skills you bring and more importantly, how what you have already will fit into their culture and business plan. They will almost certainly ask you why you want to work for them, so be prepared, be very prepared!