It can be argued that as nothing travels faster than light then time also cannot do so What we see is 'now' no matter how long 'ago' it happened in theory.
If the Andromeda Galaxy is due to merge with the Milky Way in about 3 billion years hence and our Sun is due to expire in about 5billion years maybe they should readjust life on Earth will probably disappear nearer to the first figure.
no, rov, the collision of the Galaxy will be a fairly non violent affair, obviosly there will be some collisiions but mostly they will embrace the spaces between the stars and start an oscilation dance, probably resulting in a large globular Galaxy rather than a spiral. Possibly a giant black hole binary could result.
Dark matter aside, most of a galaxy is "empty" space, so two can combine and blend with few actual collisions. We can not know what has happened to Andromeda since the light that reaches us now, left that galaxy. Our present understanding says that information can not get to us faster than the speed of light.