I work part time, (as one of my children is still quite young,) close to home. My boss is opening a new office which is one hours' drive away. There have been noises that he'd like all of us to work in this office at some point. My wage is ok but not brilliant but it would really be eaten into if I had to fork out for 2 hours worth of petrol each day.
If money were no issue, I would be more than happy to go there.
How do I stand legally...can he fire me if I refuse to go? I can't see him giving us petrol money.
hi, you will need to look in your contract. In mine it says " or any other place the management wants you to work" (or words to that effect)
Otherwise he could just change your contract, and despite having to consult you abot it, they can practically change anything
There could also be an issue with child care if there is added time to and from work.
However if it was for only a week or two as a 'training exercise' or such like then as long as he is sympathetic to individual circumstances then you should be ok.
No, bednobs, your second sentence is wrong.
If there is no mobility clause in the contract he would have to declare a redundancy - or face almost certain defeat at an ET for unfair dismissal.
It isn't a question of telling anyone off.
It's a question of giving people duff information - and you keep doing it.
Why not stick to a smaller range of topics that you do clearly know about - that's what I do.
i am based at a certain office stated in my contract but another office is opening soon and on occasion i may have to go there. My company will pay me mileage. Just ask your boss. If they wont pay and you cant get there they will have to make you redundant