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what the...!?!

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looobylooo | 21:22 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
im not sure if this has been posted up and discussed already on AB, in news or something?
but this mother .. have a look ... unbelievable!!



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How strange... ANd dangerous clearly.
Unbelievable? ... unfortunately, no.
stupid to show as some prat will try here.
in this country - not the AB site!
She didn't even look like she tried to get the poor mite out.
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yes china .. lol .. how strange ...

i was flicking through the 'hot topics' of whats occurring around the world...
couldnt believe what id just seen the stoopid mother do and before i knew it i was posting it up on here! ............ why?? ..... errrr ... i dunoo ...... lol .................. taxi!!
What's wrong with that?
I think this topic would be way down the 'why?' list ... don't worry about it, lol
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nah, nothing wrong i guess hop eh? .... :o)
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lol ... ta naz, i'll cancel me taxi then shall i .......i'll save it for another day! lol .... ;o/

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what the...!?!

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