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somethings up with the avatars tonight

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dotty. | 21:57 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
or is it just me?


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Can't see any problems myself.
It's a Garth-filter that we voted in by secret ballot.
its just you I dont have a problem
Question Author
mmm odd CD,......... and I can't see any avatars either
There is some fault that seems to make some of them appear as ropey country singers, other than that seems fine :-p
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Naz some things are not to be joked about,
Naz I wasnt going to mention that!!!
Just you from the looks of things...
Question Author
I must have a conflict then as I can't see any at all
wot no garth?
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I have yellow triangles all over the AB page with black exclamation marks inside
nope, same old singers/bears/angels/grouchy gals here. (Though a talking avocado seems to have appeared.) What are you seeing, dotty?
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I shall reboot- I'll be back
you're infected, Dot!
^ that's a bit harsh, I'm sure it's only a computer problem.
Its probably the way you are leaning dotty You cant see them from there
Question Author
I've re-set the BT hub by pressing the re-set button and it's ok again, Garth is back lol
hurrah ;o)

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somethings up with the avatars tonight

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