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dodgy facebook link?

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Booldawg | 13:35 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I keep seeing a posting on friends FB walls with the title;

'I have shivering after I read this, it was a nice girl' with a photo of a girl. Clicking on it seems to want to direct you to some other website.

Anyone else seen it? Is it a harmful link?


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thanks pd. will avoid!
i avoid fb links, lots of them are dodgy!
i avoid fb, all my friends are dodgy.
I ignore it, it looks well dodgy
I was encouraged to join F/B & after a while I read an article which pointed out that it was possible for my E/M address to be accessed from anywhere in the world,& after I had received a few dodgy E/Ms I decided to drop out sharpishly ( I fortunately no longer subscribe to F/B).
I had a email the other day which looked like an FB email, but took me to an advert. I'm deleting any emails I get from FB these days, if I want to look at the site I go straight there instead.
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dodgy facebook link?

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