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I have been caught so many times by trolls that I am beginning to suspect everyone

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starone | 19:32 Sun 16th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
who is not familiar to me. In fact I find myself going to profiles and if the person has only one question I am reluctant to answer. I feel quite guilty about this as I was in the same position myself, obviously, when I started using answerbank. So how do you react to this ongoing problem. Can't very well ignore everyone.


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Unless it's a well known face, I don't answer.
I can't help thinking that this is some sort of private club, and not an ANSWERBANK, as you all seem so so dismissive of anyone who is not on here 24/7
Lol, know who you are now onward
Chaffinch, welcome to the private club. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Take comfort in that if you have 'helped' a few trolls and they are removed, you have probably helped a lot more who welcomed your advice and support in their time of need.
The news catagory is quite like that chaffinch
chaffinch, I'm not on here 24-7 (tho it seems like it at weekends!) but we have been caught out a lot recently by people pretending to be new, who turn out to be banned old ABers trying to play us up. Makes us a bit cynical - particularly if someone joins and straightaway posts a really wierd question. I just looked for a few weeks after I'd joined, answering a few Q&P questions, before I felt ready to post one of my own.
Onward. You are not a well known face.
where's pixi's new avatar gone?!
All you folk on here did you pay your club fee? If not then get in line... :-)
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I think we always welcome genuine posters, or ones we hope are genuine, chaff. I am not on here 24/7 - haven't got that kind of life. If you look on Chatterbank you will see one of the posters saying that he has only just joined and everyone is welcoming him (or her). It is only when they become abusive or just plain peculiar and a lot of effort has been put in to help that it upsets me.
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I disagree chaffinch. There are quite a few timewasters and troublemakers who sign up and cause us to be wary. If a newbie asks a sensible crossword question or a believable question in law or finance but if they post sounds provocative or plain silly I stand back and wait and see what happens. I'm particularly wary of new users who post many questions /answers within the first hour and are quite pushy. Many of us have developed a sixth sense.
Very occasionally I think an innocent newcomer may be suspected unfairly of being a troll, and that is not right, but generally I think we do get it right.
Boxtops................"WE'VE been caught" "trying to pay US up", etc etc!
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Good evening Star. Like you, I tend to notice the new names and it can look a little suspicious when a new ABer's first post is a Q of a certain genre. My debut as a poster was greated by a nice ABer with 'Hello little child', postings by trolls and removal after some heated exchanges in which I was not involved. But again like you, I didn't learn and carried on, in the hope that one day I might be 'accepted' by some ABers at least. Just watch out for boxtops to show her real colours - you have been warned! ;o)

<<wuv you really boxy x>>
Phawf, ttfn, knickerlegs at dawn! (I would say hallo but I am too busy thumbing my nose at you...)
>Onward: "unless it's a well known-face, I don't answer."

I assume that's why it took nearly 3 months after you joined before you made your first post.
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Chaff, judging by the number of questions you have asked and contributions to other people's threads I think you are too late. You are already one of 'US'.
Star, I hope so but still feel a little out in the cold! lol

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I have been caught so many times by trolls that I am beginning to suspect everyone

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