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Just for Helen (well, it's coming anyway...)

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Bbbananas | 13:31 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Col in the tub. But I had to promise not to show his willy.... that's for my eyes only ;-)


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Col ? anthony De Costa ?......
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Nowt wrong with willy vibra - it's a word we all teach our children. Wholly innocent - we have to call it something, and there's far worse names.
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one eyed trouser snake
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Vibra, calm down dear. Willy is an innocently-meant name for the little piece of appendage that hangs between the scrotal sac of the male of the species. It's not filthy - well it shouldn't be, if all we parents teach our little males to clean properly and throughly.

Anyway back to Col in the Tub - phwroar......................

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Just for Helen (well, it's coming anyway...)

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