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A contractors van at work

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Booldawg | 14:20 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Someone has written 'also available in white' on the dirty back door. That ceased to be funny due to overuse by about 1991. I recall it sprouting several other 'humourous' dirt related jokes. What other ones were there apart from;

'I wish my wife was this dirty' with the hilarous response 'She is with me mate'
'Dont wash me, plant a potato'


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'Valeted by Stevie Wonder'.
"Please us the toilet paper; it is inside"
"For sale, 10p" was another one I once saw. The last one on the list was my favourite, though.
One of the guys here wrote "I hate the police" in the dirt of one of the other guys vans. He didn't find it amusing as when he noticed it upon arriving on site - a Met police station.
'Wash Me' used to be a common adornment to a dirty van

Saw this once as a good alternative;

Plough Me
"My other van is clean".
Seen on the back of one of those vans they take prisoners to court in. No prisoners left in this vehicle overnight. Made me smile!!
-- answer removed --
sorry booldawg --jankers has made a mistake with posting on your question.
i think he has given up tonight -- he's got the right hump now, lol

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A contractors van at work

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