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We're off for a shorty break....

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janzman | 21:56 Tue 18th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
...Me and Mrs Jan are going to Chester for a couple of days in early February.Neither of us has ever been there before.With such a limited amount of time we want to do and see as much as possible.Any recommendations???? including where best to eat.


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What kind of things do you enjoy seeing and doing? There's a roman ampitheatre (sp), you could take a walk around the city along the walls, a cathedral, there's plenty of shops of course!
My fave restaurant in Chester is a lovely little Italian called Sergios. If you want to specify cuisine, I might be able to recommend others.
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I hope you haven't posted on FB, that you are away for a couple of days....
Cor damn it, there's a nice restaurant in an old church (on two floors) near the Courts and can I remember the name of it.

The Pheasant at Tattenhall - its out of the village and up the hill and looks west to Wales and over the Duke of Westminster's estate at Eaton Hall.

I used to stay at the Crabwall Manor near Mollington Banastre (NNW side of Chester and about 3 miles out).
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jb Theres a 90 min quided walking tour we will do that takes in much of the historical sites.The cathedral is a must too.are open to all possibilities with cuisine...although Italian is a fav.There is a Mexican restaurant called Taconita do you know this one'.
onetoomany I appreciate your imput but we dont do zoos never have, never will.
what do you like, and are you mobile?
Buy a combined ticket for a river trip and the open top bus tour:

Chez Jules has loads of good reviews on TripAdvisor, Qype, UrbanSpoon and OpenTable:

Sounds lovely - I was there on a day trip many years back, I'd love to spend more time looking round.
The River Cruise is lovely janzman, Chester is a lovely city!......hope you enjoy!......
I'd not heard of Taconita sorry! I agree with DT, The Pheasant is lovely. Beautiful location and great food.
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No,on this occasion we're going by train so were not mobile.Were not on FB.
Chico we thought of the boat/bus but the weather in Feb could scupper that Jury's out on that one.Chez jules reads very possible
Have a look at Sergios' menu if you like Italian food.

Chez jules - haven't been myself, but I've heard mixed reviews.

There are some other great restaurants, Piccolinos, Upstairs at the Grill, Duttons, 1539 (overlooking racecourse) there's a Marco Pierre White restaurant at the doubletree hotel,
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Many thanks everyone..
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Thats mighty neighbourly of you Steve.5 thanx

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We're off for a shorty break....

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