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I dont know if any of you would know-how would a letter to the Egyptian president about their animal abuse be received?

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KikiTiger | 17:20 Wed 19th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Not a nasty abusive letter, a nice one asking if anything could be done? Would a "Westerner" be laughed at or ignored. I know how popular we are with the Middle East!


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You'd probably get a courteous reply. But poor countries have a low priority for animal welfare
Popularity with the middle East is like asking the catholic church if they like Graham Norton, Dale Winton, Steven Fry and Jimmy Carr.

But good on you for trying (if you do write the letter).
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How would I address the President?
Alan Carr...

Kiki...I would say it would be ignored.
What sort of animal abuse?
President Hosni Mubarak
c/o Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
26 South Street
London W1K 1DW

Dear President Mubarak, .........
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Thanks Ankou, would it be better received to send it to Egypt?
I meant Alan, Jimmy's married isn't he??
Dear President Mubarak
I know what you meant and I'm not big into correcting people...but, ya know.

Yes, I think Jimmy is married. He definitely has a partner.
Well someone has to mention bricking camels.
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Alan Carr? Im asking about animal abuse.

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I dont know if any of you would know-how would a letter to the Egyptian president about their animal abuse be received?

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