im reading it at the moment, did a book swap with another backpacer, i swapped Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for this White Teeth book. they said i would like it... im about 15 pages into it and its alright but i dont think i can read the whole thing!
can anyone tell me if it gets better?!
The book sat on my shelves for ages - I was put off by the hype - but when I started reading it I couldn't put it down. I think it's one of those where you either like the style or can't get on with it. I did, although I wasn't as impressed with her later offerings.
i just find it really heavy going. all the descriptions im like 'just get on with it already!' i think im gonna have to swap it with someone else, i tried to read it a bit more but i just get too bored. thanks anyway guys!
life is way tooo short to read any book that doesn't grab you after the first 15 pages IMO...and I am one who will read the cornflake packet if there is nothing else!