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ttfn | 17:43 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What have you lot been on today? There is much merriment on this site and it is not yet Friday - and I have to say it is lovely to see so many of you in a happy mood. Long may it continue ♥


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You make me sound like the ky jelly of AB, jankers. ROFL
You are more than welcome ☺
its been brilliant this last hour on c/b. cant stop laughing.

broccoli -- why do I have to get up and cook a flaming dinner --spoilt my fun aint it
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The vicissitudes of every day life puss - enjoy your dinner.
-- answer removed --
jankers ---thats for me to know and for you to wonder lol
Since the temporary demise of Sportsanswerbank, Answerbank has become much more pleasant. I think it's a good thing...

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