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Scrummy Brekkie

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joggerjayne | 09:47 Fri 21st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Today I shall mostly be eating ...

Cinnamon and pecan granola from Costco.

OMG ... it is TOTALLY scrummy !!


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Jeremy Kyle time !!
what wonderful chavs are on todat jj ?
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He's not got the chav families today.

He's interviewing people who have been affected by people who've committed murders.
It's so sad :-(
jj, have you tried the cranberry and macadamia nut one from costco?? had a bowl for my evening meal yesterday, delish!
cant imagine brekkie time without my oats,
do have the occasional cheese&ham toastie
I'm going to Costco in Liverpool later today, that sounds very nice!
Good nutrtional value to I would expect (sticking to my new year diet!)
they've got some good offers at the mo, we were at our local one on monday to bag a few.
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Oooh ... cranberry and macadamia ?

Yum !!

I'll look out for that.
I joined last year, its a revolution.
I boxed a lot of things off for xmas in Costco last year, especially food and drink.
I am going to pick some steak and chicken up today, but I always get carried away and come back with lots of stuff not on the list!
I used to have what B00 had in days gone by before I gave up the cigs.

I've just had a coffee. Haven't eaten anything yet but I'm going to have some Ready Brek as I've run out of Crunchy Nut.
We don't have Costco..... I am envious.

Mind you, the bacon sandwiches we have just demolished were Very Good.
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jd ...

I know, it's fab, isn't it.

And there's always something that you just can't resist, that wasn't on the list.

Like a pair of Armani jeans for just £50 !!!!!!!

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