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Either I am a freak, or the next step in evolution

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starone | 16:26 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
because I have never shaved my legs (no hairs) and - wait for it - I have no hairs under my arms. Maybe I am just lucky.


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You certainly are...
Sheesh, you are lucky.

i don't de-fuzz - it's more like a de-forestation
My Mum is the same. Her legs are as smooth as a bottle!
And she never suffered from menstrual cramps whilst I feel I'd die from it.
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My Nan was the same. Never a hair.
My other Nan never had pain during child birth, apart from the 2nd stage.
I was never going to be lucky enough to inherit both traits though lol
Same here starbuck, remarkably sparse-haired (except on my head). Seeing as how my friends spend half the weekend depilating and waxing, I count myself very lucky.
a hairy 2nd stage then red ?
When I was young I used to shave my legs and arms but as got older I have noticed that I don't seem to have any hair on my legs any more, neither on my arms.
I've never shaved my legs, what's the big deal? .lol ;-P
I hate to tell you but you have feathers!?LOL
Me either, never shaved anywhere on my body, I've got hair but its very fine and blonde.


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Either I am a freak, or the next step in evolution

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