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Night night everyone♥

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Mamyalynne | 03:44 Mon 24th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I rather think I have lost my mind tonight, have not felt like this for a while, surely will pass, sleep well all♥


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Night night mamya. I had a sleep today so I could stay up and watch the tennis. Andy Murray is due on court soon so will be up for a couple of hours yet. Sleep well. xx
You probably haven't.
You sleep well x
Question Author
OOh sorry sweety Tennis not my thing, am happy if you are though ♥
One of my favourites. The Telly Savalas cover is one of the worst cover versions of all time, and that's saying something. Still managed a couple of weeks at No 1 in 1975, though...
But they can never be what she was to me
Night Lynne.
Love Hall and Oates too.
I'm not talking about moving in
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Do you get on with agoutis?
> Do you get on with agoutis?

Is this for me...?
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Well Mark, he (the agouti) has become my pal in my singledom but was a fun remark, you are too young for me surely, I am 57!!
> he (the agouti) has become my pal in my singledom


> you are too young for me surely

<blushes> Er, I apologise profusely if you thought I was coming on to you - I wasn't at all...
To be sure, to be sure..Craic
Tha sin ceart.
S math sin!
Tha gu dearbh!
Oidhiche mhath
Dhuitsa cuideachd!

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Night night everyone♥

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