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Should you be put off...?

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jd_1984 | 16:44 Mon 24th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
If a girl wants to have sex on a first date?
I am not trolling or looking for smutty answers by the way!
For a single guy it could be a blessing, but dont think it forms the best basis if you are looking for a relationship.
What do you think?


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Me neither ummmm. But occasionally one night stands can end that way due to circumstances and they can go on into perfectly good relationships, so I would never say never!!
I also know a lot of fellas that would be very put off a girl who came on much too heavily as well!!
Yeah I agree. Like I said before...just because someone has sex on a first date doesn't mean they are a disloyal person.
Personally, I would have thought age had a lot to do with it.
It's something I would have done in my 20's but not something I did in my 30's.
oh wait.... I got married when in my 30's didn't I :0(
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Lofty - In conclusion, there is correlation no between sex on a first date and loyalty, every relationship is different. Just because a girl wants it from the first date does not make her promiscuous or untrustworthy. And yes, my wording of the original question was mis-leading your suggestion would probably have given me the better responses. But I hate repeating mistakes, thats all.
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*no correlation*
jd It wasn't meant as a criticism really. Just thought I would have understood you better. I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet anyway.

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