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Limited Connectivity

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albaqwerty | 08:14 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
Am up to date with my dongle payment,and now and again get the little yellow exclamation mark on the cute tv's in the corner of the screen.

Even worse when it goes to local only.

Is it to do with "radio waves" (as you can tell I'm a technophobe)

If I don't get back to you to thank you quickly for your advice/knowledge/input, you'll know I'm having problems. Thank you


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Its a bit hard to say for sure. but your dongle should have some way of seeing what the signal strength is, can you check that next time it does it and you should be able to see if you've lost signal.
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When I click connect and get a great signal, I get limited, then local and local and only but obviously not at the same time :D

Maybe it's just female and one of those things. Sometimes the signal is poor and connection is fine and dandy. Ugh, technology.

Thank you for replying chuck x
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ooops local and internet
have you tried moving the dongle around - some parts of a house have poor reception due to wiring, wireless 'phones etc shielding the signal.
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Venator, thanks. This is the best bit, it's always in the same blooming place when it happens!! It's just irksome more than anything else.

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Limited Connectivity

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