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Me In My Bikini

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joggerjayne | 12:46 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Is anyone else getting (almost daily) strange text messages saying ...

I took these photographs of me in my bikini ...

... and telling you to text back to be sent the photos.

And how does this scam work?

Surely to get money from people texting you, you need the cooperation of the mobile service providers.


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I got those pics ... is that really you?
Question Author

So when do I get paid, Naz?

Was expecting an actual pic of you in a bikini!!
Question Author
So it's just me and almost everyone I know getting these messages, then ??
How much do you get charged to send them?

By the by saw the topic line and rushed in. I am now somewhat dissapointed :-(
Anyone that finds this thread disappointing, I will be posting a montage of jj's bikini pics on YouTube later.
Naz to late the moment has gone
You can bookmark the link for next year.

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Me In My Bikini

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