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is it illegal to name a cat after a Film?

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Groupie | 19:07 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I just got a young kitten and want to name him "The Godfather"


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No it's not illegal, but it should be.
You can call your cat what you like (with the possible exception of 'Mohammed', which might lead to religious tensions!).
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Hmm The Italians are a bit touchy as well
I suppose it takes care of your next two cats as well. Looking long term though, Rocky might be better. :)
Who would know about your kitten - and be in a position to sue to for.....using a word?
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Too near Sylvester, Douglas
And prove that a kitten may be confused for a film about the mob!
"din dins, The Godfather."

yep, that works!
What will you call him for short? Will you feel a bit silly when they call out "Godfather Groupie" in the vet's?
Leaving aside your concerns about annoying the Mob;
Why "Godfather" anyway?
Why not call it Mafia, much shorter and easier to say.
-- answer removed --
lol sara :o)

Just call him TG instead
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I don't want to Sleep with the Fishes (fishes/cat get it)
so Puss may be better
Groupie - I hope you didnt start this thread so you could use that punchline at the end!!!
Be prepared when you call him in for dinner he will reply with "just when i thought i was out they pull me back in..."
Haha I could just imagine you outside calling 'The Godfather' 'The Godfather' 'The Godfather' passers-by would think you are nuts. lol

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is it illegal to name a cat after a Film?

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