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hi themas, thank you, and everyone else, who has sent me a message, i think our hands are tied on this, his father wont communicate with my partner, and wont move out. he is old, and doent want to move, which is understandable, but doesnt help the situation. as you rightly said, we have got advice about evicting him, but the result was that the courts probably wouldnt let us do it. we still have about �100.000 equity in the house, if sold at market value, so giving the house back to the halifax seems the best idea, but as you also said, they will keep lumping costs on to the mortgage, if they dont evict him, it could take years, and we would lose all the equity in charges. maybe we need to look into bankruptcy, its not that we want the equity from the house, althou that would be nice, our main concern is that my partner is disabled after a nasty accident at work, and can not deal with the stress that this situation is causing, thats why we want the easiest solution to this house problem. i think we need to force halifax's hand some how, but dont know how to do it. as you said, maybe bankruptcy will make them take action.