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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:24 Sun 30th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Sunday morning and there is no frost, still a bit nippy though. It will warm up soon, probably be a bit wet with it, but can't win 'em all!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning Waterboatman! You too enjoy your day.
Busy at work now but hope to be back later. Have a good day everyone. x
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Morning society. I shall have a quiet day thanks. This evening we are round to see our old mate (he's 88) for supper. Have a good shift at work.
Good Morning folks :-)
Have a good day!
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Morning WBA. Dawn is just breaking, we could see some sunshine today!
Good morning all you lovely people. I've just come back from checking on my Mums home (she's away) and it's quite refreshingly pleasant here in West Yorkshire. no Sun yet but No frost!!! be good everyone and enjoy yourselves.
Slight frost here WBM...Just about to wake the rabbits up and feed them,already done my few hours at the paper shop...Might go back to bed!
Morning wbm and all

A bit milder here this morning. Another long day at work to look forward to. No day off until Friday

Have a good day everyone
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Morning ark and TOH. The early morning is the best time of the day ark.

A long week then TOH. Don't you get time off for good behaviour? :-}
Morning wbm and all,,,a heavy frost this morning,, the water features have frozen, thats the first job of the day xx
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Morning bet. Best of luck on that one! It must indeed be nippy if the water features have frozen!
Morning WBM and all. Looks quite pleasant today. My Grandsons 8th birthday today so going over later.Don't know where that years have gone they grow up so fast. Have a nice day all.
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Morning wendi. You're right. they just evaporate don't they. it only seems like last month our grandson was peddling his trike about the place. He's 18 already!
god morning all x

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Good morning early birds!

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