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Has the thread.

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micmak | 18:44 Sun 30th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Erom Rasman been removed. He was reinstated and now I cannot find the thread.


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It has been "pulled" again, just before a long and boring post that I had written could be "published".........LOL
How irritating, I only had the last page to read and as I flicked it was gone.
Why was it pulled?

Didn't think there was anything offensive in there, just banter

Far worse has been posted and not been pulled in the past
Probably considered as 'pointless'
ummmm........and countless other threads on here aren't???
Well yes...but Ed tend to go for those types. What's the pint in leaving a thread where the OP said 'up you arses' (?) gets suspended and then re-activated. The thread that warranted the suspension may as well be pulled.
plus it was the same old tired argument.
Docs been suspended as well and some of his threads have gone.
-- answer removed --
What did doc do?...other than post loads of threads...

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