If you have one of those wheat filled heat pads, they really help, if not when sitting put a scarf or shawl around your shoulder (its just too dificult to put a hot water bottle on your shoulder!!) but heat and keeping warm certainly helps.
A cold pack (economy frozen veg pack works well) wrapped in a thin towel and applied staright onto the affected part, as well as the Ibuprofen as per sqad. Early night, warm and comfy, and offer your suffering up to our blessed lord.
As one vey bad girl said at my school when denied an aspirin by the nun in charge, 'In that case sister can I have a sponge dipped in vinegar?'
Radian B sprayed on is good. Also massage if you can bear it. Ibuprofen AND paracetamol are good (you can take both) and if that doesn't help, ask your doc for physio and maybe a steroid injection.
Her indoors sufered from this for ages. Solved eventually, having tried everything else, by two visits to an accredited osteopath. Cost us about 30 quid.
No problems since.
You just can't imagine how painful this is unless you have had it. Mine went on for months and ibuprofen may have taken the edge off the pain but didn't help much.
Do you know what stage you are at bezzy?
Have you seen your gp? If not, make an appointment and ask to be referred to physio. I had physio and then a steroid injection. That helped with the pain but not the mobility - am still working on that.
My other half has got frozen shoulder, it gives him extreme pain. A few years ago he had manipultion whilst under a general anaesthetic as a treatment, it worked then. He's now due for it again but is going in for an op on knee on valentines day, so has to put up with the discomfort and pain for a while.