I felt really sorry for that young girl who was made quit school to literally clean the caravan etc due to her sister getting married, she looked so down. Why couldn't the mother help with the cleaning?
Also where are all the fathers and husbands in the wedding day recordings tonight...
Also the guys who where shown tonight looking for the grab were so cringy..They looked like they hadn't got a clue.
I don't understand why the fathers/brothers don't step in when the girls are screaming when the guys are "going for the grab", the girls are clearly not happy
supersuezy, the husband of the the girl that got married tonight didnt want his scrap iron "business" to be affected so he chose not to be seen on camera. i also thought what a pretty girl she was. i felt sorry for the the woman who had arthritus, she looked quite sad at her daughter leaving and i think it was genuine, they seemed to have a good relationship.