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cyclone yasi

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ponjee | 13:44 Wed 02nd Feb 2011 | News
6 Answers
Cyclone yasi is said to be bigger than Hurricane Katrina.
my heart goes out to Australia. hopefully they are in ur prayers tonight.


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well i don't pray but certainly in my thoughts
I heard on the Today Programme that there will be 10 hours of storm, and then an hour where the "eye" passes over - followed by another 10 hours.

It will be a surreal experience for that hour...
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u dnt? okay then. atleast ur thinking of them.
These extreme weather systems seem to be occuring a lot more recently. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. Maybe its to do with global warming / climate change although I know lots of people say it doesn't exist.

No doubt my dad will be trying to contact our cousins in Oz to see if they are ok. My heart goes out to the Aussies. They have had a lot to put up with over the last few years.
my cousins live on the ocast in queensland, not sure how close they are to this though!
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