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Rebus or Taggart?

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sandyRoe | 16:49 Sat 05th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Which gives the best portrait of their city?


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Rebus ! ...don't really know glasgow that well so can't comment on Taggart...
I don't really remember Taggart... Is Rebus one of Ian Rankin's creations? His descriptions of Edinburgh are great and i could idenrify quite a lot of the areas I read about in the books when I went to Edinburg a year or so ago.
Yes china.. rankin did Rebus...he actually lives in Edinburgh,,,,we are all hoping he brings Rebus back out of retirement ..there have been a few hints lately that he is thinking of writing another......
My dad likes Rebus so I've picked up a few of the books but not all all of them, I always liked how they described edinburgh. I absolutely loved it when I went there as well.
pleased you like our fair city China....has its' good and bad bits like any city I suppose ...but I missed it when I was south for about 20 years.....
Taggart as most people perceptions of Glasgow are of slums and ghetto estates ...
Edinburgh absolutely doesnt need any assistance......
rebus by a long way. his descriptions of edinburgh are very vivid, it's a wonderful city, one of my favourite places, have spent many hours wandering around it.
Dris, I was just about to say the same thing, Taggart makes me want to visit Glasgow for the first time in my life, Edinburgh has always been a favourite place.
I don't think you can choose between them. Edinburgh has more politics and 'high finance' than Glasgow and Rebus brings the corrupt side of that out very well. Taggart is OK but it isn't distinguishable from many other police dramas.

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Rebus or Taggart?

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