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my favourite expression today is

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Booldawg | 13:06 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
'if I don't see you through the week, I'll see you through the window'.

Whats yours? I'm hoping to learn some new ones.


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bu&&er off i'm busy eating eating chocolate
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'pull your hat down tight and just LeDoux it'
following a tiff with are no Tarzan and I am certainly not Jane !!!!
Do you want me to lick it better....
currently "They couldn't even arrange an emergency evacuation in a firestation" as Sainsbury's made a complete dogs bol-ocks of a dinner of a standard fire drill test on Friday here in Truro.
Mine, this morning, has been..........
"Am I through to the right department; my garden wall has just blown over......?" sorry...happened to me last year ugggghhhhh!!!!!
He was at it like a tramp eating chips.
It's not the coughin' that carried him off, it's the coffin they carried him off in.
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"Who lit the fuse on her tampon" could get some mileage on CB.
Things can only get better - but I doubt it.....(;0 (
yep :-)
In the end it will all be fine.....if its not fine, its not the end.
Today my favourite expression seems to be "Put off until tomorrow what you should do today" Much better than the real expression!!
from an elderly lady whom I was trying to help cross the road 'these cars, they're just like men.....on you before you know where you are!'
His(or her) head's full of wee sweetie mice. Meaning that they weren't the sharpest knife in the box.

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my favourite expression today is

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