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so fernando torres was a £50 million pound flop yesterday....

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stokemaveric | 12:57 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
have you ever brought anything expensive that was a waste of money???


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I bought some gold Jimmy Choo sandals which are not very comfy, and I hardly ever wear them.
I spent 7 quid on one of those things you put round your neck on holiday to keep your money safe when in the swimming pool.

bought it online, when it arrived its the size of a house-brick, even Flavour Flav from Public Enemy would agree its too heavy to be draped round ones neck.
An under water hair drier, what a total waste of money!
wedding licence !!!
Apparently Jamie Carragher was arrested yesterday on allegations that he was carrying £50m quid in his back pocket for 60mins. ouch!
My motorbike.

Hate it.

Never ride it.
-- answer removed --
Saturday's Lottery ticket.
I once bought a silver hip flask off eBay, thought it would make a lovely present for Mr C.

When it arrived, it was about an inch square. Held about a teaspoon of whiskey. 'Twas about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard.

It was my own fault for not converting the size in the listing (I just hate this new-fangled metric system).
murraymints beat me to it ....almost..... wedding rings
I once bought a hand-brake for a canoe.....

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so fernando torres was a £50 million pound flop yesterday....

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