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Whose not spotted the hat yet?

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dotty. | 18:34 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
stand up at the back when I;m speaking,,,,,,,,


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Ok, I'll start the ball rolling for 'em, they won't admit not seeing it.


I've spotted a very big Garth Brooks hat on the AB logo. Is that the one Dot?
Saw it.....very nice touch.Bet you were chuffed -I would have been :)
how much did that cost you, Dot?
Question Author
thanks Dris I was, ed put it there about 9ish this morning, i emailed them last night with a polite request, and I think it is ace, it cost me nowt our sara but it means alot to simple folk like me
I think it's cute. I trust AB Towers is sending you a framed version ;o)
Nice one Dot. I wonder if Ed'll take other requests...?
Very nice one :)) Ed does have a heart (joking if he's reading -course you do...)
I have............
But then, I would.........;o)
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yes jack and that you most sincerely for youe time and trouble
lol.. celebrating early, Dot? ;o)
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not a drop has passed my lips today, and have to be at work in the morning and so it's a teetotal night for me.

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Whose not spotted the hat yet?

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