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Handbags are go! I love the way she actually RUNS to them to have a go!

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merciasounds | 12:38 Tue 08th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
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sorry, just saw somebody else already posted this!
Shh! Mustn't say handbags. AP's antennae will be twitching.
Question Author
Who's AP?
Answerprancer, the scourge of the handbaggers.
Ye gods, if I had run up like I would have been out of puff and needing the loo, well done that biddy!!
See my posting in the News section of Answerbank.
A heroine, up there with Boudicca, Grace Darling and Edith Cavell.
LOL great story, what a bunch of twonks.
Aw go on then, just for old time's sake...

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Handbags are go! I love the way she actually RUNS to them to have a go!

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