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why are some cultures hairier than others ?

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zzxxee | 10:24 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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are you talking about intrinsically hairier or having less or no custom of removing it?
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just naturally hairier
because different races have different genetic make-up.. different skin types/colours, eyes colours, hair types, blood types..
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my ex sister in law who was chinese had almost no bodily hair at all, but a lot of men say of Turkish/ middle eastern birth seem to have lots of hair especially on the back chest areas.
I'd be more worried if they had a back chest! I've only got a front one! ;)
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lol x
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im not sure if its just that the hair is darker so appears thicker or if there is a genetic purpose ?
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sun protection maybe ?
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lol pixi would keep ya warm on a cold winter night though hey x
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A culture of penicillin is fairly hairy!

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why are some cultures hairier than others ?

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